Thimphu, Bhutan -
17th March 2010
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment and the South Asia Foundation, for the establishment of the Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asia Forestry Studies at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation, a secular, non-profit and non-political organization, hereinafter referred to as 'SAF', on the one part;
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment, a Royal Government research, think-tank and education organization, hereinafter referred to as 'UWICE';
Sets forth the agreements reached between the parties relating to the establishment and implementation of the Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asia Forestry Studies, hereinafter referred to as the 'MCSAFS'.
1. Establishment of the Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asia Forestry Studies (MCSAFS)
- The MCSAFS shall be established at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment in Bhutan. The MCSAFS shall offer Diploma, BSc and MSc courses in Forestry in collaboration with the College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Royal University of Bhutan. The MCSAFS will also facilitate and conduct research in areas related to Forestry with relevance to South Asia.
- The MCSAFS will offer at least 8 fully paid Madanjeet Singh Group Scholarships to study at the MCSAFS; including travel, board and lodging and tuition fees to South Asian students based on gender equality, 1 from each of the eight SAARC countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
- Besides formal courses in forestry, the MCSAFS shall strengthen pluralistic culture through extracurricular activities associated with arts and culture.
- Subject to availability of funds, a number of visiting Research Fellowships shall be offered to PhD students from SAARC countries for data collection, consultations and field study at any of the Central Universities in India for a maximum period of six months. The fellowship shall cover economy class travel by Air/rail and provide Rs. 20,000/- per month and a onetime contingency grant of Rs. 10,000/- to meet living expenses.
2. Objectives of the MCSAFS
- The MCSAFS shall through the promotion of science and education in the field of forestry nurture a new generation of ecological and environmental leaders to contribute towards the building of a sustainable future for South Asia and the planet as a whole.
- By bringing together the next generation of forest scientists and leaders, the MCSAFS shall also achieve its preeminent objective of fostering and promoting regional cooperation.
3. Organization Structure of MCSAFS
- Governing Council:
- Honourable Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests: Chairperson
- Chairperson of SAF-Bhutan Chapter: Co-Chairperson
- SAF Founder/ His Representative: Member
- Director, UWICE: Member Secretary
- Advisory Council:
- Honourable Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests: Chairperson
- One SAF Trustee and 4 subject experts nominated by the SAF Founder (2 from SAARC countries): Members
- Director, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan: Member
- Head, Forestry Faculty, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan: Member
- Director, UWICE: Member
- Finance Officer, UWICE: Member
- Head, Sustainable Forestry Department, UWICE: Member Secretary
- The Advisory Council shall provide functional directions for the Center. The Advisory Council meeting shall be convened at least once a year. The member Secretary of the Advisory Council shall present the Annual Report, the Audited Accounts, and the coming year's budget and activity plan.
4. Financial Contribution of SAF
- SAF shall contribute US $ 5,00,000 (USD Five Hundred Thousand Only) towards the establishment and operation of the MCSAFS over a period of five years. This amount will be transferred into the account of the SAF Bhutan Chapter who will be the custodian of the SAF Fund and allocate annually as per the budget approved by the MCSAFS Governing Council.
- The SAF Bhutan Chapter shall retain 5% from the overall financial contribution.
- The annual SAF contributions will be paid through the SAF Bhutan Chapter into an exclusive bank account operated by the UWICE. All expenditures will be made as per the annual plans approved by the Governing Council.
- The interest earned on the funds (if any) shall be used only for activities of the MCSAFS.
- UWICE shall fully conform to the attached Financial Implementation Regulations Annexure (attached).
5. Personal Contribution of SAF Founder
- The UWICE shall construct a building and other relevant facilities for hosting the MCSAFS.
- For the above, the SAF Founder, Ambassador Madanjeet Singh shall contribute an amount of US $ 5,00,000 (USD Five Hundred Thousand Only) from his personal account.
- Any remaining costs shall be borne by the UWICE.
6. SAF Regulations
- In conformity with the SAF Governing Council resolution adopted in 2002 at Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, SAF shall not fund any project without at least a matching contribution in cash or kind against SAF's financial assistance.
- Before receiving any subsequent installments of funds, MCSAFS shall submit an annual Audit Report and a progress report of the Institute to the SAF Trustees.
- SAF shall discontinue funding MCSAFS, where MCSAFS fails to fully comply with SAF's preeminent objective of promoting regional cooperation as specified in this MoU.
7. Contribution of UWICE
- To match with SAF's contribution and in conformity of SAF Governing Council resolution of 2002, the UWICE shall provide:
- Land and space for construction of the MCSAFS
- Permanent faculty for the programmes
- Campus accommodation for students and visiting faculty
- Internet and library facilities
- Administrative and logistic support
8. The Implementation of the MoU
- The MoU shall be effective on the date upon which the Parties append their signatures to it.
- The 'terms and conditions' within the MoU may be modified as and when required with the consent of the parties.
- Either party shall be entitled to terminate the MoU upon providing the other party with three calendar month's advance notice.
- In case the MoU is terminated, for whatever reason, the rights of the MCSAFS and SAF shall be abrogated; and all rights to any properties or investments made as part of the MoU will revert to the Royal Government of Bhutan.
In agreement of the above objectives and the terms and conditions, this Memorandum of Understanding is hereby signed on this 17th day of March 2010.

Shri Madanjeet Singh
Founder, South Asia Foundation (SAF)

Lyonpo Pema Gyamtsho (PhD)
Minister for Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan

Lyonpo Sangay Ngedup
Chairman, South Asia Foundation, Bhutan Chapter
Financial Implementation Regulations Annexure
- As regional cooperation is the main objective of South Asia Foundation, the SAF institutions of excellence shall offer at least 8 fully-paid SAF Madanjeet Singh group Scholarships annually.
- At least 70% of the funds provide by SAF annually shall be spent on group scholarships and 30% on scholarship-related expenditure, comprising items such as the purchase of books, inviting short-term teachers and instructors from other SAARC countries, temporary staff for projects such as workshops, research etc.
- Subject to the availability of funds, SAF institutions of excellence shall increase the number of scholarships, based on gender equality.
- Any unspent amount of annual SAF grant shall be carried over to cover the cost of SAF Group Scholarships during the subsequent year.
- In conformity with the resolution adopted in 2002 by SAF Governing Council, the institutions are obliged to contribute at least half the funds, in cash or kind, provided by SAF.
- No SAF funds shall be spent on construction of buildings, repairs, maintenance and related infrastructures.
- SAF annual installments of funds for the subsequent year shall be paid to the institutions on receipt of authorized auditor's reports, listing the names of students and itemized details of the expenditure incurred on each scholarship and the scholarship-related costs (Art 2).
- The annual reports by SAF center of excellence shall be sent to SAF-Bhutan Chapter, Thimphu, to be rechecked before they are forwarded to the SAF Trustees for subsequent payments.