Thimpu, Bhutan -
31st December 2021

Operation of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asian Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS)
The Royal University of Bhutan, herein referred to as (RUB), and the South Asia Foundation, a secular, non-profit and non -political organization herein referred to as (SAF), as the ‘Parties’:
Desiring mutual collaboration for operation of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asian Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS)
Have reached the following understanding:
- The objective of the collaboration is to foster and promote regional cooperation by bringing together the next generation of Forest Scientists and leaders, and to nurture a generation contributing towards sustainable future for South Asia and the planet as a whole through the promotion of Forestry Studies.
Areas of Cooperation and Collaboration
- The areas of cooperation under this MoU will include the following:
- Establishment of the UMCSAFS at CNR.
- Support UMCSAFS Scholarships in Masters programmes at CNR from the 8 SAARC countries.
- Facilitate conduct of research for the Scholarship recipients.
- The Parties intending to carry out specific activities or projects under this MoU will subsequently enter into specific project arrangements or agreements. The Parities agree to draw details of Management Board, Financial Contributions of SAF, and contributions of RUB in a separate Letter of Agreement (LoA).
- This MoU will be valid for a period of Five years, unless one of the Parties informs the other in writing of its decision to terminate it. If the MoU remains dormant for five consecutive years, it will be deemed to have lapsed.
- The MoU may be terminated by either party, at any time, by giving six months written notice. The Parties shall mutually consult with each other to determine whether activities or projects under this MoU should continue or not. Termination will not affect the validity of any contracts or agreements made under this MoU.
- This MoU may be amended with the mutual written consent of both the Parties.
Dispute Settlement
- Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this MOU will be resolved through mutual consultations between the Parties and will be based on the principles of mutual understanding and respect.
- This MoU shall come into effect on 31/12/2021 (month/date/year)
The foregoing represents the understanding reached between the Parties on the matter referred to in this MoU and does not create any legally binding obligations upon the Parties.
-sd- Ugen Tsechup Chairperson South Asia Foundation, Bhutan Chapter Date: 31/12/2021
-sd- Nidup Dorji Vice Chancellor, Royal University of Bhutan 31/12/2021
-sd- Madame France Marquet, Principal Trustee Madanjeet Singh Foundation Date:
Download :-
1) Chairperson-SAF-MoU-signing-with-RUB-31-Dec-2021
2) LoA-Between OYE-CNR-31-12-2021
3) MoU signing ceremony-Program