Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Pondicherry University and the South Asia Foundation-India for the establishment of Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technologies (MSGET) at Pondicherry University
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation-India, a secular, non-profit and non-political organization, located at A-33 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110 057, hereinafter referred to as "SAF", of the one part,
The Pondicherry University, a Central University, created by an Act of Parliament, located at Kalapet, Puducherry, hereinafter referred to as "University", of the second part (hereinafter referred to as "parties")
Sets forth the agreements reached between the parties relating to the establishment and functioning of Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technology (MSGET) and utilisation of the funds received from South Asia Foundation-India.
The School is named after Madanjeet Singh, the founder of South Asia Foundation-India in acknowledgement of its generous grant of U.S $ 500,000 spread over five years. The MSGET shall be established at Pondicherry University with the support of South Asia Foundation-India, with the objectives of imparting advanced education and conduct of research and other related activities in Green Energy Technologies and other related areas by instituting a separate Centre for Studies in Green Energy Technology, besides other Centres and Departments, as approved by the Academic and Executive bodies of the University. The Centre for Green Energy Technology shall offer M.Tech programme in Green Energy Technology from the academic year 2010-11 and in future any other programme as it deems fit. This centre, for all administrative and other purposes, is a constituent unit of the University having all powers and functions to its academic and administrative officials on par with other units of the University.
The Centre for Green Energy Technology will have its own faculty, to be appointed in due course of time. Apart from the core faculty, it will draw expertise available in the University Departments. The Centre will also draw expertise from researchers from within India and abroad.
The MSGET shall also have under the School, Centre for Nano Science and Technology which has its own faculty duly approved by the UGC.
Subject to the availability of funds, a limited number of Visiting Research Fellowship shall be offered to Ph.D students and faculty members from SAARC countries for data collection, consultations and field study at any of the Central Universities of India for a maximum period of six months. The fellowship shall cover economy-class travel by Air/Rail and Rs. 20,000/- per month and a one time contingency grant of Rs. 10,000/- to meet the living expenses as per rates prevailing on this day. The amounts shall be revised once in two years by the Governing Council of MSGET and approved by the AC of the University. In addition, the Institute shall offer travel grants to its own faculty and scholars to visit advanced institutions in India and abroad for academic activities subject to rules and regulations of the University.
MSGET has been established with an aim to impart advanced education, conduct research, and perform extension/outreach activities in Green Energy Technologies, and related/allied Green Technology areas, including Nano Science & Technologies. MSGET shall annually offer at least 8 (eight) Madanjeet Singh Group Scholarships for the SAARC countries.
The School, being an integral part of the University will have the same structure as applicable for all other Schools of the University. However, the funding by SAF for the various activities of the School listed under Para 1 & 2 of the Agreement and their utilisation will be monitored by an Advisory Council with the constitution given below
Advisory Council:
Vice-Chancellor |
- Chairman |
One SAF Trustee and 4 outside subject experts, Two of whom from SAARC countries, nominated by SAF Founder or his nominee |
- Members
Director (CCR) |
- Member |
Director of Studies |
- Member |
Dean, Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technologies |
- Member |
Dean, School of Physical, Chemical and Applied Sciences |
- Member |
Heads of participating University Departments in the Teaching and Research programmes of the School (to be nominated by Vice-Chancellor) |
- Member |
Centre Head, Centre for Nano Science Technology |
- Member |
Registrar |
- Member |
Finance Officer |
- Member |
Centre Head, Centre for Green Energy Technologies |
- Member-Secretary |
The Advisory Council shall be responsible for monitoring the funds and advising on the utilisation of funds received from SAF-India. The Centre Head, in consultation with the Vice Chancellor, shall convene the Advisory Council meeting at least once in a year. He shall present the Annual Report, the Audited Accounts, and also present the next year's budget and activity plan for the approval of the Advisory Council. The Centre Head shall be responsible for the entire functioning of the Centre and all its academic and extracurricular activities including coordination of courses, research fellowships and public relations and effective implementation of at least 8 (eight) Madanjeet Singh Group Scholarships from the SAARC countries.
Staff of the Centres under the MSGET shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor as per UGC norms and the expenditure in this regard will be jointly funded by UGC and the SAF-India's Annual grant where ever needed.
SAF undertakes to contribute US $ 500,000 (half a million US dollars) towards the establishment and operation of the School spread over a period of five years. The first instalment of the aforesaid contribution shall be US$ 100,000/- (one hundred thousand US dollars). It will be paid by SAF into an exclusive bank account operated only by the Finance Officer of the University. All expenditure shall be through proper approvals and sanctions of competent authorities. The interest earned on the funds shall be used only for the activities of the School and shall not be diverted to any other activity. All sanctions of expenditure after approval of budget by the Advisory Council of MSGET and the Executive Council of University shall be through the usual procedures adopted by the University as per University rules. Fellowships, tenure jobs and all expenditure of recurring and non-recurring nature shall be met either by the University from UGC grant or from the US$ 500,000 allocated by SAF-India over the five year period. After completion of five years the MoU may be extended on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by SAF-India and the University.
In conformity with the SAF Governing Council resolution adopted in 2002 at Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, SAF shall not fund any project without at least a matching contribution in cash or kind against SAF's financial assistance.
Before receiving due payments of subsequent instalment of funds, MSGET shall submit an annual Audit report and a progress report of the School to the SAF-India. (see Appendix -- Financial Implementation Regulations)
It is stipulated that SAF shall discontinue funding MSGET in case the Centre fails to fully comply with SAF's cardinal objective of promoting regional cooperation as specified in this MoU.
To match with the SAF's contribution and in conformity with SAF Governing Council resolution of 2002, the University's contribution shall be
- Space for construction of the School/Centre
- Faculty
- Campus accommodation to the students and the visiting faculty
- Internet, on-line journal access, Sports, Media resources, Medical Facility and any other assets of the University
- Any other logistic support needed from time to time
- Other Academic, Administrative & support staff to the extent required, as provided in para 4 above.
This MoU shall become effective on the date on which the parties append their signatures to it. lt shall be the responsibility of the University that this MoU is subject to examination by the Authorities of the University and of the relevant laws of the land and its confirmation that it has obtained all the requisite approval necessary, including the FCRA, if deemed necessary and or that it is exempt from any such approval.
The terms of the MoU may be modified, if and when required, by the mutual consent of the parties.
Either party shall be entitled to terminate this MoU by providing the other party with three calendar months advance notice. The termination of this MoU, for whatever reason, will not affect the rights of a party, which may have accrued as at the date of termination and will further not affect any rights, which specifically or by their nature survive the termination of this MoU. In case of termination of the MoU all the assets acquired by the School shall become a part of the University.
In agreement of the above objectives and terms and conditions, this Memorandum of Understanding is hereby signed by the below mentioned parties on this 27th day of March 2010.
 S. Loganathan Registrar, Pondicherry University |
 Hon'ble Mani Shankar Aiyar Chairman, South Asia Foundation-India |
 Prof. J.A.K Tareen Vice-Chancellor, Pondicherry University |
 Ambassador Madanjeet Singh Founder, South Asia Foundation-India |
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Financial Implementation Regulations
- As regional cooperation is the main objective of South Asia Foundation, the SAF institutions of excellence shall offer at least 8 fully-paid SAF Madanjeet Singh Group Scholarships annually.
- At least 70% of the funds provided by SAF annually shall be spent on group scholarships and 30% on scholarship-related expenditure, comprising items such as the purchase of books, laboratory requirements, inviting short-term teachers and instructors from other SAARC countries, temporary staff for projects such as workshops, inviting overseas experts for teaching and research etc.
- Subject to the availability of funds, SAF institutions of excellence shall increase the number of scholarships, based on gender equality.
- Any unspent amount of annual SAF grant shall be carried over to cover the cost of SAF Group Scholarships during the subsequent year.
- In conformity with the resolution adopted in 2002 by SAF Governing Council, the institutions are obliged to contribute at least half the funds, in cash or kind, provided by SAF.
- No SAF funds shall be spent on construction of buildings, repairs, maintenance and related infrastructures.
- SAF annual instalments of funds for the subsequent year shall be paid to the institutions on receipt of authorized auditor's reports, listing the names of students and itemized details of the expenditure incurred on each scholarship and the scholarship-related costs.
- The annual reports by SAF centre of excellence shall be sent to SAF-India chapter, New Delhi, to be rechecked before they are forwarded to the SAF Trustees for subsequent payments.