SAF News

News UMCSAJ, Chennai - 10th November 2023
News UMSGET, Pondicherry University - 8th November 2023
News Paris - 25th October 2023

Mme. France Marquet Principal Trustee, MSF with Ms. Kubra Khademi, UMISAA, Alumna

Mme. France Marquet Principal Trustee, MSF with Ms. Kubra Khademi, Alumna, UMISAA at the Asia now exhibition in Paris...

News Cologne, Germany - 25th October 2023

Collection Presentation: Pablo Picasso Suite 156 with Ms. Kubra Khademi, UMISAA, Alumna

The pe­ri­od in which the cy­cle was cre­at­ed co­in­cid­ed with the so­cio­cul­tu­r­al pheno­menon of hu­man rights move­ments world­wide, which in Pi­cas­so’s adopt­ed coun­try, France, cul­mi­nat­ed in the events of May 1968 in Paris. In his last cy­cle of prints, Pi­cas­so ex­plores per­so­n­al me­m­ories, love, life, and mor­tal­i­ty, the his­to­ry of West­ern art and cul­ture, and the re­la­tion­ship be­tween artists, mod­els, and view­ers. Their uni­fy­ing el­e­ment is Eros, the Greek god of erot­ic de­sire who re­veals the li­bi­do and pas­sion of all sub­jects. When the se­ries was pre­sent­ed in Paris for the first time in ear­ly 1973, the re­ac­tions were mixed.

News Paris - 16th October 2023
News London, UK - 16th October 2023

MSF Trustees convened in London to discuss GC Meetings & forthcoming Birth Centenary of Amb Madanjeet Singh

Madam France Marquet, the Principal Trustee of the Madanjeet Singh Foundation (MSF), Prof. Salima Hashmi, Trustee-MSF and Chairperson of SAF-Pakistan , Mr. N. Ram, the President-MSF and Dr. Armin Dobler, Trustee-MSF, met in London to discuss the upcoming South Asia Foundation and Madanjeet Singh Foundation governing council meeting scheduled for November 24-25, 2023. Additionally, they discussed an alumni meeting in celebration of Amb Singh's birth centenary in 2024.

News UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France - 6th October 2023

Madam France Marquet's Participation in the Committee on Non-Governmental Partners at the 217th Session of the UNESCO Executive

Mrs. France Marquet, Trustee of the Madanjeet Singh Foundation and representative of the South Asia Foundation to UNESCO, attended the Committee on Non-Governmental Partners during the 217th session of the UNESCO Executive Board.

News Bangladesh, Dhaka - 13th September 2023

Md. Zakaria, SAF-Alumni from the Batch of 2014-2016 at UMIKS, has been appointed as the Secretary of the SAF-Bangladesh

Md. Zakaria, a distinguished SAF-Alumni from the Batch of 2014-2016 at UMIKS, has been appointed as the Secretary of the SAF-Bangladesh Chapter. Md. Zakaria's new role will involve key responsibilities in chapter administration and alumni engagement. Congratulations to Md. Zakaria, and best wishes for his tenure as Secretary of SAF-Bangladesh Chapter.

News UMSAILS, Dhaka, Bangladesh - 1st September 2023

UMSAILS Announces Eight fully paid SAF UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Scholarship For Academic Year 2023-24

The UNESCO Madanjeet Singh South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (UMSAILS) at South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS), Dhaka, Bangladesh is pleased to announce the Madanjeet Singh scholarship for one year Master of Laws (LLM) program to be undertaken at Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific (UAP) in Dhaka, Bangladesh from January 2024 to December 2024. The citizens of all SAARC countries are eligible to apply for the scholarship....

News Bangladesh, Dhaka - 14th August 2023

Chairperson of SAF-Pakistan, Prof. Salima Hashmi, Explores Collaborative Avenues on Bangladesh Visit

Prof. Salima Hashmi, a distinguished educator and influencer, embarked on a significant visit to Bangladesh to foster educational partnerships and cross-border alliances. During her visit, Dr. Hashmi engaged in insightful discussions with key figures, including Vice Chairperson, SAF-Bangaldesh as well as accomplished individuals - Mr. Shimul Saha, Md. Mainul Islam, Mahmud-Ul-Hasan, and Md. Shariful Islam. The meetings centered on mutual professional achievements and strategies for enhancing collaborative initiatives.