News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 19th September 2022

Mme France Marquet, Trustee MSF with H.E Vishal V. Sharma, Permanent Delegate and Ambassador of India to UNESCO

H.E Vishal V. Sharma, Permanent Delegate and Ambassador of India to UNESCO says "Glad to Host Madam France Marquet of the South Asia Foundatin that Sponsors the UNESCO- Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promition of Tolerance and Non Violence and Members of the Indian Diaspora. Amb Madanjeet Singh was a famous Indian Diplomat."

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 25th July 2022
News Kaiserslautern, Germany - 25th June 2022
News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 25th May 2022

H.E. Sahar Baassiri, Amb., Permanent Representative of Lebanon to UNESCO with Mrs France Marquet SAF representative to UNESCO

H.E. Sahar Baassiri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Lebanon to UNESCO with Mme France Marquet, Principal Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation & South Asia Foundation representative to UNESCO, During her discussion on UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 20th April 2022